How will you utilize PBCGA for your Organization?

You can get your business name in front of a highly-targeted head of household audience, including prominent group of golf enthusiasts, private and public memberships, PGA professionals, leaders in local business and into many premier golf communities throughout South Florida.

Real Estate & Investments

Real Estate & Investments

ONE out of FOUR golfers will buy real estate

Shopping & Lifestyle

Shopping & Lifestyle

ONE out of FOUR will buy fine jewelry



Three out of FOUR will dine out a minimum of twice a week

Head of Household

Head of Household

91% of golfers are home owners & 18% own a vacation home

Half Of All Golfers Will

Flag Purchase a new automobile

Flag Buy health, auto, or life insurance

Flag Hire a financial planner

Flag Play golf at a resort course

Flag Include their family in their favorite activity and recreational pursuits

Package Comparison

Tournament title sponsorship offers numerous benefits including event naming rights, community support, extensive recognition, on-site acknowledgment, speaking opportunity, gift bag/sampling opportunities, premium item creation, signage display, online visibility, tee signage, branding on various materials, front page web presence, email promotion, philanthropic partnership, exclusive email opportunities, complimentary memberships and tournament entries, sponsor highlights, tournament schedule posters, year-end awards acknowledgment, and directory inclusion.

These opportunities provide wide exposure, brand recognition, and networking opportunities within the South Florida golfing community.

Title Sponsor 

  • Become the official tournament sponsor
  • Company logo included in event logo on all marketing
  • Logo included on all email blasts, social media posts and web content
  • Sponsor announced & thanked during welcome announcements
  • Dedicated Title Sponsor logo banner at Nos. 1&10, registration & scoring
  • Two-minutes of speaking time during send off or reception

Presenting Sponsor

  • Co-Sponsor a tournament program
  • Banner with company logo displayed at registration/scoring
  • Logo included on tournament scoreboard
  • Logo included on tournament information page
  • Website and social media recognition

Program Sponsor

  • Sponsor a seasonal program
  • Banner with company logo displayed at practice facilities 
  • Opportunity to set up a marketing table or activity 
  • Logo included on information page, social media posts and web content 
  • Website and social media recognition 

Hole Sponsor 

  • Sponsor one of 18 holes on the course
  • Sign with company logo displayed at sponsored hole
  • Opportunity to set up a marketing table at sponsored hole
  • Logo included on social media posts and web content
  • Website and social media recognition

Tournament Supplier Sponsor

  • Sponsor tournament supplies or tee gifts
  • Logo included on supplies or tee gifts
  • Opportunity to set up a marketing table
  • Website and social media recognition

Contact Us

P.O. Box 32123
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420

Hours of Operation
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST
(561) 625-0400

Thank You

Thank you for considering a sponsorship with the PBCGA. Our premier golf events provide great opportunities for a high-profile partnerships with tremendous charity. We have several sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us for more information on how your organization can get involved and help grow the game of Golf in South Florida.